A great technique to maintain the clean feeling is making sure the bed is made daily. For those with younger children a great tip is to keep a basket next to the bed for them to place the different things they sleep with at night in the morning. This way making the bed is an easier task to be completed daily. Another great thing to add to any child’s room is a small trash can. This will keep the pile of papers from coloring or crafts from gathering in the corners of the room.
These extra steps help to contribute to a smooth path into a tidy and organized room. There are few basic everyday or weekly steps that can make it much easier to maintain that tidy feel. Along with making the bed daily, another great tip is running the vacuum. This could even be done every other day. Another great thing to do weekly to help not only with a clean space but also to help cut back on those daily allergy triggers is dusting shelves and other surfaces. Alongside this, wiping down any glass surfaces with glass cleaner is also a great way to keep the area feeling peaceful.
All these different steps can help to make your child’s bedroom clean and organized. Helping them maintain it is much easier when you, yourself are not overwhelmed and have a specific space for all things to be put safely away. Simple tasks being completed daily like vacuuming and wiping down surfaces will keep the space feeling organized for months to come.